The Slithzerikai (sliths for short) are a race of lizard men, both strong and smart. Once unknown on the surface world, they are starting to appear there. Slith characters get bonuses to strength and intelligence, and are better at using pole weapons.
The Nephilim are a race of feline humanoids. Once common on the surface world, they have been hunted to near extinction, although some now remain in Exile. Nephilim characters start with better dexterity, and are much better at using missile weapons.
Human is the default species in Exile III. Humans have skins of a variety of hues, and are soft, generally fragile, and incredibly resourceful.
A character with a Bad Back cannot bear to haul too much weight. Such a person cannot carry as much as he or she might have been able to otherwise.
Chronic Disease is the worst disadvantage a character may possess. Such characters have a slow, lingering, incurable physical ailment, causing them to occasionally suffer the effects of a mild disease.
Frail characters are cursed at birth with a weak constitution. Poison and disease will have a greater effect on such characters.
Magically Inept characters, for some reason, resist the effects of magical items, and are unable to use them. Potions and scrolls won't work for them, although worn items, such as rings, will have a small effect.
Sluggish characters just can't move that quickly, even when circumstances seem to demand it. A sluggish character gets fewer action points in combat.
A very few adventurers have magical blood running in their veins, causing them to heal damage to their bodies at an amazing rate.
An Exceptionally Strong character will be able to carry much more stuff, and, in addition, will do a small amount more damage in combat.
Highly Alert people have the edginess that helps them resist magical sleep. In addition, having someone in your group who is Highly Alert may help keep you from being surprised.
Someone with a Good Constitution will find that poison and disease have a reduced (although not eliminated) effect.
When roaming the surface of the world, a Woodsman is able to hunt and bring down food, find useful herbs, and deal with circumstances involving nature's adversity.
When underground, knowledge of Cave Lore helps one hunt and forage for food and deal better with special circumstances.
Having nimble fingers improves one's chances of picking locks and disarming traps.
An ambidextrous warrior will be able to use one weapon in each hand without any penalties. Normally, using two weapons makes both of them much less likely to hit.
The possessor of this advantage will find that his or her spells will function better. This helps both Priest and Mage spells.
This makes you more resistant to damage. Blows of all sorts have less of an effect on you.